Gulf Coast is the place that will be affected by Ice Wedging.
Gulf coast faces an important issue that will undermine its status as the oil conglomerate in the US.
This is due to the ice welding further up north that has been responsible for global warming, greenhouse effect and ultimately rising sea levels that is a very real issue that pertains to Texas.
Most of the coastline has rich oil resources and is responsible for most of the trade and it stands a chance of being submerged any time now.
This would mean a drastic fall of economy and displacement of the people.
it was 270
john adams won with just 84 votes but as the race was to close it went to the house of representitives and then by a vote that was conducted john adams was voted to be president this was the only time this has ever happened before the 12th adment
They had a lot of power back then because they had a great army with a great pilot which means leader
Senate President: Dan Patrick (R)
House Speaker: Dennis Bonnen (R)