Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food. Millets are important crops in the semiarid tropics of Asia and Africa, with 97% of millet production in developing countries.
Conquistar dichos territorios, estableciendo colonias que abastecieran a España de materias primas.
Una vez que Cristobal Colón descubrió el continente americano en 1492, el Imperio Español vio en América la posibilidad de obtener nuevas fuentes de producción primaria, especialmente de aquellos bienes que hasta ese entonces eran obtenidos a través del comercio con China e India, como metales preciosos y especias. A ese fin fue que se llevaron a cabo nuevos viajes de exploración para determinar la extensión del territorio, tras lo cual se establecieron diversas colonias desde lo que hoy es el sur de los Estados Unidos hasta Argentina.
The period that covers from 1894 to 1915 showed an increase in worker's leisure time in comparison to the past. One of the causes for this is that employers in industries reduced the working hours and established a part-time Saturday, giving employees half a day to spend freely. Also, workers started to enjoy vacations, even though they did not receive any payment for them. They wanted to take a break from their job and the city. The Progressive movement also helped to enhance the value of worker's leisure time because it focused on their health and welfare.
Culrural relativism
This idea was first originated in the anthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students.
It suggests that a person's behaviour cannot rightly be evaluated by a culture outside of his own. In other words, to understand ones behaviour, it should be analyzed paying attention to his culture.
Answer: Governer Wright
Explanation: The battle and Wright's departure marked the end of British control over Georgia until Savannah was recaptured by British forces in December 1778. Governor Wright returned, and Savannah then remained in British hands until 1782.