To this we would need to multiply the denominator by the whole number and add it to the numerator. 2*4 is 8. 8 + 5 is 13. So for the first fraction, it will be 13/5. Let’s do the second fraction. 2*4 is 8. 8 + 3 is 11. So for the second fraction, it will be 11/2. Since the fractions have the same denominator, we will not have to do anything to them. Now, all you have to do is simple subtraction. 13 - 11 is 2. Since the denominators are the same, it will equal to 2. So the final answer is 2/2 or 1.
What your gonna want to do is any where there is an x you are going to put in the number from the x column. You then solve for y and that is the answer for that number you used for x that would be your y