The war officially ended in 1783
1. Protestants were radical reformers who believed in the separation between eclesiastic and state affairs.
2. Saint Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish priest that in 1540, with the approval of Pope Paul III, founded the Society of Jesus (also known as Jesuits).
3. Confession is a regular method by which Christian worshippers can, after being baptised, clear their sins and release from punishment.
4. Pope Leo X, after ordering an investigation conducted by Silvestre Mazzolini, declared Martin Luther a heretic and therefore excomulgated him from church in 1521.
5. Anglican Church was founded by bishop Charles Thomas Longley, after an edict from Henry VIII (King of England).
He becomes stressed because he doesn't have enough money to move at all, doesn't matter if he moves out of state, out of country etc.
Raja is using the "Life-course" perspective.
The life course perspective which is also
known as life course theory or for short LCT, alludes to perspective
including multidisciplinary views to comprehend the psychological, material and
social health of people.
a) A moral é a ciência da conduta, enquanto a ética determina padrões de comportamento.
Embora sejam conceitos correlatos, a moral e a ética tem significados diferentes, muito fáceis de serem identificados. Isso porque a moral refere-se aos costumes e hábitos que são defendidos em um determinado povo e nação como correto sob um determinado periodo de tempo. EM resumo, podemos afirmar que a moral é uma ciência da conduta observada como correta, dentro de uma região e dentro de uma cultura.
A ética, por sua vez, refere-se aos comportamentos individuais que os indivíduos de uma região assumem como correto, ou seja, a ética esta diretamente relacionada as ações humanas classificadas como corretas ou incorretas. Em resumo, podemos afirmar que a ética determina os padrões de comportamento.