80 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 ( not sure what the units are)
Step-by-step explanation:
Just by looking at the slope you can figure out how much it grows per year.
y = mx + b
m = slope
Not sure what units there are in the question just place it in the end.
Hope this helps :)
A child's education depends on the support of his or her parents. I believe that engaging with parents and making sure that they have an active role in their child's success is vital. I give parents my contact information so they can get in touch and ask any questions they have about how their child is performing, and I also provide updates about what my students have learned and accomplished.”
Step-by-step explanation:
just simply put the value 3175 under division root and make pairs of 31 and 75.Now think of a number whose square will be nearest to 31 and that ll be 5.Now write 5 in the quotient and 5 also 5 under the divider.Now by multiplying 5 with the 5 in the quotient you ll get 25 write this under 31.And by adding 5 in the divider 5 youll get 10.write this under the divider.no by subtracting 25 from 31 you ll get 6 and by bringing 75 down it ll be 675.Now think of a number again and write it with 10.Like 6 into 6 is 36 and when you multiply 6 with 106 you ll get nearest number to 675 that ll be 636.Now because its giving a remainder just add a .0 in the question and continue to solve it the same way.And as it ll be a continuous answer so just add continuty dots........ or just round it off to nearest whole number
You are basically looking for the y-intercept which equals 4. Because you replace x with 0 so -10(0)=0 so the answer is y=4