Dr. Bogdarian noticed that one of her students addresses her with the word mother instead of the word professor or doctor. Dr. Bogdarian applies the principles of psychoanalytic theory.
The theory that is used in treating the disorders in mind is psychoanalytic theory. This theory focuses on the thoughts and feelings that are present in the conscious and unconscious minds of the patients. This uses the techniques such as interpretation of dreams and free association for repressing the fears in the conscious mind.
Here, the elements of the conscious and unconscious minds of the student has been observed by Dr. Bogdarian. He uses psychoanalytic theory for this observation. This theory mainly focus on the fact that the behaviors of the human beings are deterministic in nature.
For managed care organizations to pay for medical services, precertification needs to be done. Precertification involves proving to the medical insurance company that a service is medically necessary. After precertification, the insurance company would determine if the service is a covered service before payment is made.
Precertification is taken by the insurer to provide the insurance company with procedures and/or services and diagnosis.
Talk to them nicely with attention and a big smile on your face.
she needs to know that she must take iron even if she is not anemic