Let’s go left to right and convert everything to decimals.
3.4848 is 3.4848
-3 19/20 is -3.95
-3.58 is -3.58
Sqrt (11) is about 3.3
362% is 3.62
Using this, you can easily put them in order
x=2 and 2/3
Step-by-step explanation:
I think the question is
Find the value of c so that (x-5) is a factor of the polynomial

The other factor is going to be some quadratic. We can say a few things about its coefficients but let's start by saying in general it's

Equating respective coefficients,

so we get

Answer: -37

R = 3
54x3=162 ...
375 sheep.
Step-by-step explanation:
To find 1/4 of 1500, you must divide the number by the denominator of the fraction.
1500 ÷ 4 = 375