What do you need help with
The cardio-respiratory system consists of the cardio vascular system (heart and blood vessels) together with respiratory system (lungs and air ways). These systems work to transport oxygen to the muscles and organs of the body and remove waste products including carbon dioxide.
An integrated set of planned, sequential, school-affiliated strategies, activities, and services designed to promote the optimal physical, emotional, social, and educational development of students best describes <u>a coordinated school health program.</u>
A coordinated school health program is an organized set of policies, procedures, and planned, sequential, school-affiliated strategies, activities designed to protect , promote and improve the health of students and staff ( promoting the optimal physical, emotional, social, and educational development of students) thus improving students ability to learn.
It contains Following components
2)Health promotion
3) Health services
4) School health education
5) Psychological and social services
6) School nutrition
7) Family and community
Being resilient means being able to overcome adversity and bounce back from a difficult situation.
Emma is resilient because instead of accepting defeat, she works harder to bounce back and places second in the next swim meet.
Hope that helps. :)
The coach is the least reliable source of health information. of course they may be educated in some areas, but doctors and pharmacists are more trustworthy.