ball hit into the net, may still be kept in play (up to 3 hits) provided that a player does not make contact with the net. Players may not touch the net. If 2 opposing players touch the net simultaneously, the ball is declared dead and is replayed
The answer is respiratory and circulatory systems.
Anorgasmia is a male s e x u a l orgasmic disorder in which there is persistent and consistent inability to achieve orgasm, after adequate stimulation that causes personal distress. Approximately 10% of men report difficulties with orgasm. Anorgasmia is more common in women than in men. Primary anorgasmia is used to define the condition of men who have never experienced orgasm while secondary anorgasmia is used to describe a man who once experienced orgasm but lost the ability.
Symptoms of anorgasmia in a man are persistent and consistent inability to achieve orgasm after adequate stimulation.