the pathway will be under-expressed.
- the alpha subunit helps to bind with either GDP or GTP. when the α subunit is bound with GDP, it will be bound to β and γ subunits and thus forms an inactive state for G-protein.
- when the alpha subunit binds with the GTP, it becomes activated and dissociates β and γ subunits.
if G-protein Coupled Receptor is unable from dissociating β and γ subunits, then the pathway will go under expression.
The chemical qualities of the alpha subunit allow it to bind easily to one of two guanine subunits, GDP or GTP. The protein thus has two functional formations. When GDP is bound to the alpha subunit, the alpha subunit remains bound to the beta-gamma subunit to form an inactive trimeric protein.
G-proteins, cAMP, and Ion Channel Opening. The alpha subunit activates adenylate cyclase, in purple, and loses GTP. Adenylate cyclase converts ATP to cyclic AMP, which then activates Protein Kinase, shown in blue. Protein Kinase phosphorylates an ion channel, letting sodium ions rush into the cell.
As a result of the ligand binding to its site on the G-protein-linked receptor, A) the G-protein changes conformation and GTP replaces the GDP on the alpha subunit. ... Inactivation of the alpha subunit occurs when its own phosphorylase activity removes a phosphate from the GTP.
The entry of food into the stomach.
Gastric secretion is triggered by the act of eating which is called as reflex phase and the entry of food into the stomach called a gastric phase. The entry of the food particles into the small intestine also helps to control the secretion of gastric called an intestinal phase.
The secreted fluid in the small intestine contains some ions, acids, etc such as pepsinogen, intrinsic factor, bicarbonate, hydrochloric acid, and mucus. The reflex phase or cephalic phase helps to stimulate parasympathetic neurons that release acetylcholine chemical, then it produces the higher secretion of gastric juice.
The plant is classified as a Monocot.
Monocotyledons have only one cotyledon in the embryo. Its leaf veins are parallel. Its petals are in the multiples of three. It has a fibrous root pattern. It does not have a secondary growth. It does not have a cortex and its stem and vascular system is composed of bundles of vascular tissue scattered all throughout the stem without any specific arrangement.
Hey here is the answer,
It is a globular protein, it contains one iron atom, that can bind one oxygen molecule. Therefore it has high affinity for oxygen.
Hope this helps you...