<span>Baltic Sea This Sea covers very little of the Western Russian Border. It mostly borders Scandinavia, Finland, and the Baltic countries. The Baltic Sea is home to St. Petersburg, Russia's prized cultural city and also its 2nd largest.</span>
yes ,the existing laws for women can help to stop the crime against women
yes, because in august 2017 our prime minister Narendre modi have stop three talkha pratha
Corruption is less in developed countries
Because they end impunityand reform administration and finance management. They promote transparency and acess to information.
The Harlem Renaissance was an intellectual, social, and artistic explosion centered in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, spanning the 1920s. At the time, it was known as the "New Negro Movement", named after The New Negro, a 1925 anthology edited by Alain Locke. The movement also included the new African-American cultural expressions across the urban areas in the Northeast and Midwest United States affected by the Great Migration, of which Harlem was the largest.