The three goals of the United Nations were and are to promtoe human rights, to force nations to comply to international standards and to increase the standard of living for all people. All of these goals have been met with mixed success. While somehave been more effective, others have not.
Sharia law is Islam's legal system. It is derived from both the Koran, Islam's central text, and fatwas - the rulings of Islamic scholars. Sharia literally means "the clear, well-trodden path to water".
I know this is not really an awnser but the map either did not show up or it is not there so aka I map would be really helpful
sorry this is not ment to be rude just want to see that you get the help that you need
The federal act (public law 100-383) that granted redress of $20,000 and a formal presidential apology to every surviving U.S. citizen or legal resident immigrant of Japanese ancestry incarcerated during world war 2. First introduced in Congress as the civil Liberties act of 1987 (H.R. 442) and signed into law on August 10, 1988, 1988, by president Ronald Reagan, the act citied “racial prejudice, wartime hysteria and a lack of political leadership” as causes for the incarceration as a result of formal recommendations by the commission on wartime relocation and internment of civilians (CWRIC), a body appointed by congress in 1980 to make fundings on and suggest remedies for the incarceration.