The scaling exponent will be 0.75
According to a famous article by Max Kleiber*, the scaling of the metabolic rate or energy consumption for mammals Pmetab (measured in kcal/day) with the body mass Mb (measured in kilograms) is P metab = 70 Mb^0.75 .
What is the scaling exponent (the quantity x in a scaling law A = cMbx) for the specific metabolic rate as a function of the animal’s body mass?
he scaling of the metabolic rate or energy consumption for mammals P=kcal/day
Mb=body mass in kilograms
P metab = 70 Mb^0.75 .
with A = cMb^x
the scaling exponent will be 0.75
metabolic rate is the energy(in kilojoule) consumed at rest. it accounts for the highest amount of energy a body consumes daily
Answer and Explanation: So the plant/algae take nitrogen from the topsoil by captivating through roots, such as the Glutaminic Acids, ammonium ions, or nitrate ions. Plants can't necessarily get nitrogen from instant air, however, plants obtain nitrogen through a natural process.
Hope this helps! :-)
Answer: The taproot
Explanation: A deep taproot helps plants use moisture held in deeper soil layers, and they can have great drought resistance compared to fibrous-rooted plants. An example is honey mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), which is known to send its roots down 150 feet to get water.
The answer is letter a. loop