The Corpus Callosum is what joins the two hemispheres of the brain.Hope that helps .
An average woman needs 2000 calories a day to maintain, and 1500 calories a day to lose weight. Therefore, I believe the answer you are looking for is 2000.
The healthcare practitioner observes shift in potassium ion concentration.
- There may be abrupt changes in the plasma concentration of potassium ions during diabetic ketoacidosis. Despite the fact that diabetic ketoacidosis causes a deficit in the body's total potassium stores, the plasma concentration is typically normal or higher because the acidemia causes potassium ions to leave cells. 1,2
- The patient exhibits a significant extracellular fluid volume deficit, which is typical of diabetic ketoacidosis patients. The majority of these individuals have a 5–10% extracellular fluid volume deficit. This patient's weight has decreased from 72 kg to 68 kg in the past month. He might have lost a little lean body mass, but he could have a volume deficit of about 7%. (although clinical estimates are often inaccurate).
Therefore, potassium ion concentration will be disturbed.
Learn more about diabetes:
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Effector - interprets all data and any necessary action
senor - causes an action......
control center - monitors the body's condition