Answer: vit D
To help strengthen bones.
The items that can contribute to heart disease is C. Nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. These are the chemicals that contribute to pollution. Carbon monoxide is the product from a combustion that can affect our respiratory system whenever we inhale this gaseous chemical. And nitrogen oxides can affect and penetrate areas of the body when inhaled in which our respiratory organs may be affected by diseases because of this chemical.
S m a r t
I have hazel eyes too
Sorry I shouldn’t even had said anything
Starving yourself will make you lose weight but will also cause bad health. The best diet to lose weight is to drink lots of water and eat fruit. +exercise
1. Mantén la calma y apóyale.
2. Escucha y pregunta
3. Fomenta el razonamiento y la lógica.
4. Trabaja la responsabilidad
5. Involúcrate en su educación.
6. Cuida su salud
7. Vigila sus comportamientos y, ante problemas serios, busca ayuda.