4 eggs are left.
Step-by-step explanation:
It is actually a tricky question and the trick is that the person, who initially have 6 eggs, has broken two eggs out of them.
Those two broken eggs were then fried and later he ate those.
It is a single incident but in question it appears that 3 different incidents took place in which the person have used all 6.
So actually, he only ate 2 eggs out of 6.
m = (p+7n)/3
Step-by-step explanation:
3m-7n = p
3m = p+7n
m = (p+7n)/3

If gravity acceleration is 10 :

If gravity acceleration is 9.8 :

It's not actually 20 pts it's 10 pts if you send a question and you want 20 pts off it would be 10 for other ppl. like
10pts off = 5
20pts off = 10
30pts off = 15
and so on so it's like counting by 5's each time you lose points
Y intercept: (0,13/4)
X intercepts:(13,0)
X intercepts:(3,0)
Y intercepts:(0,-3)