Hello, first off sometimes we all say things we don't mean when we are upset. If your friend had no ill intent for the player and feels guilty about what he said then he is a good person. He doesn't need to dwell on this and should just remember how this made him feel when talking in the future. It is important to think how the things you say will affect yourself and others and in the future he can learn from this experience and not make the same mistake again. :)
Im no animal expert but i say just dont do it. Snakes are aggressive animals and unless theyve been your pet from birth they will attack any animal who gets too close. Its their instinct.
The best option is A
This is because A is stating that the amonut of money the employees would receive from workplace accidents increase thus making employees (the ones responsible for the employees ) Make safer working conditions this makes sense because if you were the boss you wouldn't want all this money coming out of your pocket so you would make the chance of getting hurt less.
In 1954, under the authorization of Sidney Herbert, the Secretary of War, Florence Nightingale brought a team of 38 volunteer nurses to care for the British soldiers fighting in the Crimean War, which was intended to limit Russian expansion into Europe.