When you deposit money in a bank, the bank usually pays you for the use of your money. When you take out a loan from a bank, you have to pay the bank for the use of their money. In both cases, the money paid is called the interest. It is usually expressed as a percent. Here we shall look at a formula for simple interest.
It’s the third one divide 6 by w and get 4.5
1. 55
2. N/A - Sorry. I can’t see the numbers properly.
3. 180
65 would be C
Step-by-step explanation:
it wants you to find out how much was spent after 11 visits. 10 dollars is used each time so 11 times 10 is 110. 306 minus 110 equals 196. you would choose C instead of B because the 10 is the one being multiplied, not 306.
306-10x; $196
Step-by-step explanation:
4) x² - 14x + 48
We would find two numbers such that their sum or difference is -14x and their product is 48x².
The two numbers are - 6x and - 8x. Therefore,
x² - 6x - 8x + 48
x(x - 6) - 8(x - 6)
(x - 8)(x - 6)
5) 2x² + 21x - 11
We would find two numbers such that their sum or difference is 21x and their product is - 22x².
The two numbers are 22x and - x. Therefore,
2x² + 22x - x - 11
2x(x + 11) - 1(x + 11)
(2x - 1)(x + 11)
6) 5a² - 125
5 is a common factor. So we would factorize 5. It becomes
5(a² - 25)
Simplifying further, it becomes
5(a + 5)(a - 5)