The three ideals: freedom, equality and brotherhood were the foundation of the 'new France' that the revolutionaries sought. "Or death" was added from 1793, with the full motto often painted on house doors in Paris. Whether "and", or, "or", this part of the motto demonstrated the resolve of the revolutionaries.
(i recommend the first one)
Liberty, equality, brotherhood! Anyone knows that trio as the ideas behind the French Revolution! The rich were getting richer, the poor were getting poor, and the monarchy was not doing its duty and wasting resources and money. by 1789 they were bankrupt, mainly due to their aid to the American Revolution
Agent orange was used during Vietnam to clear the sense vegitauon
naplam was a gel like fuel mixture that burns slowly and more accurately than gasoline
Tea, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices
Ecology. Baffin Bay is the wintering ground for narwhal, walrus, beluga and bowhead whales, as well as bearded and harp seals. The island is also the nesting ground for millions of birds, including thick-billed murres, kittiwakes and fulmars