What amount of the rebates, if any, can Big Homes deduct this year?
$19,500 if this amount is not material, Big Homes could continue offering rebates in next sells, in addition expects to pay the accrued rebates before filing their tax return for this year.
FASB amended the rules to improve the comparability of the information about business combinations provided in financial reports. A variable interest entity is a legal business.
The Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS 141(R) in 2007 December, to substitute the SFAS 141. Evaluating the comment letters, articles and industry publications, they analyzed issues that were with SFAS 141 from the perspective of professionals, users and the FASB; it was evaluated 141(R) to ascertain these weaknesses and they were corrected with solutions been profound in 141(R).
For taxpayers with household income below 400% of the FPL there is a table of repayment limitation.
For at least 300% but not less than 400% ( for example: 350% ) it is $1,250.
Answer: $1,250.