price for selling 3000 share right is $25060.87
Given data:
Total Amount raised= $4,400,000
Spreading rate = 6%
Subscription price = $20 per share
Number of share owned by company = 500,000
Per share cost = $45
Totals share own in the company = 3000
subscription price after deducting spreading rate
Now, Right share
Right price is calculated as
Right price = ((Number of share held * market price) + (Right share *Right price))/( Number of share held + Right share)
plugging all value in above relation
Right share = $36.65
single right value = 45- 36.65 = $8.35
Price for 3000 share right = 8.35 *3000 = $25060.86
Once a company reaches 50 or more employees, and meets any of the below criteria, it has 120 days to create an Affirmative Action Plan. Every year the company remains larger than 50 employees and meets the federal contracts guidelines listed below, it is required to update the plan to track changes in employee population and employee transactions.
In some instances, companies are required to implement an Affirmative Action Plan without a direct government contract. If government contractors purchase at least $50,000 worth of goods to fulfill their obligations on a government contract, then the goods’ seller is also subject to the OFFCP’s laws.
A prime example is a hardware company which sells screws to a company that builds Navy submarines. Although there’s no direct contract with the government for the hardware company, accepting the order as part of a government contract makes it a bill of lading, and if it exceeds $50,000 total revenue on those deals, then both sides must comply with Affirmative Action law.
Answer:E- A temptation to start a crisis to create public support at home
Explanation: A diversionary incentive is a term used to describe the various attempts of a foreign country to create crisis in a given country in order to gain support at home.
Diversionary incentive is usually implemented by certain countries for their own selfish gains,they want their own Citizens to focus their minds and interests in crisis outside their own Country,hence lossing focus of the problems bedeviling their own country.
Insurance companies manages risk by balancing the low-risk drivers and the high-risk drivers. Insurance would charge higher rates for high risk drivers.
Insurance companies manages risk by sorting out the people who have a lower chance of risking a crash, with people who have a higher chance of risking a crash. They do this by charging low rates to the people that have a lower chance of causing a risk. They charge them low because they are trustworthy, and don't need to rack up a lot of money quick if they ever get into a crash. Remember, insurance makes people pay monthly so they could use that money in a accident.
But, this is different for people with higher risk. People that have a high risk of getting into an accident would be charged with a higher rate than people with lower risk. Insurance companies charge them with higher rates because since higher risk drivers get are more likely to get into an accident, insurance companies want to make sure that they can get the money for the accident as soon as possible. Insurance companies are the ones that pay for the accident, and that's why most places require you to have insurance while you drive.
Answer: A. Managers scan their firm's environment to reduce uncertainty.
Explanation: In the context of the external environment of a firm, managers scan their firm's environment to reduce uncertainty. In doing so, they stay up to date on important factors in their industry which helps to reduce uncertainty. Environmental scanning simply involves searching for cues, important happenings, events, issues etc. that might affect an organization either positively or negatively.