he wanted his son to be well educated, marrying, and seeing people suffer.
Answer: A
The Northwest Ordinance was important for two major reasons. The first of these was that it banned slavery in the territories of the Northwest. This ensured that these would be free states when they entered the Union. But that is not the most important thing about this law. The most important thing is that it created a system whereby territories could become states. This meant that there would be no situation in which (for example) the Ohio region could be a colony of Virginia. This meant that the US would not have to worry about fights between states over land or about colonists in new territories feeling abused by whichever state was their "mother country." This allowed the US to expand in an orderly and stable way.
d. 133.
IQ otherwise known as Intelligent Quotient, is a measure of intelligence, which is applied by using ratio of mental age to physical or chronological age, then multiply by 100.
Hence, a child of 9year old had a mental age of 12 year old, (which means, performing on the test meant for an average 12 year old) the child is then assigned IQ of 12/9 * 100 which equals to IQ of 133.
Therefore, a 9-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency of an average 12-year-old was said to have an IQ of 133.
a. She includes them at the same time as presenting complex charts to inject serious note.
In the first sentence it is stated that "Zikala-Sa often uses jokes to start her presentations or to keep her audience engaged while presenting figures." Then the figures may be related with charts, in this way she can present complex charts and associated them with a feeling so that they retain the information in an easier way and don't get bored, so in this way people are attentive and get the information.