TCS food requires time and temperature control to prevent microorganisms and the production of toxins. TCS food include milk,eggs, fish, meat...
Honey for example is not a TCS food, and a food handler does not to worry about time and temperature control when handling it.
A D and B have a good day and take care
systolic bp refers to the pressure inside your arteries when your heart is pumping; diastotolic pressure is the pressure inside your arteries when your heart is resting between beats
parenchyma is a type of connective tissue,that covers the area of henele's loop and other parts, where filteration takes place
Protein is something that produces muscle mass, it is composed of amino acids which are compounds of carbon,hydrogen, oxygen and etc. Protein is mostly in animals products (meat,dairy, eggs and more) is can also be in nuts such as almonds and peanuts. A lot of people put something called “whey powder” into drinks to get protein easier (but in my opinion it makes drink grainy).
Your welcome in advance!