<span>A likely factor in Wayne's not being able to retrieve the information is encoding failure.
Encoding in general refers to the ability of the brain to store and retrieve data or memories.
Encoding Failure is a term used to describe the occasional </span><span>failure of the brain to create a memory link.
</span>When this encoding failure occurs, the brain is prevented from its ability of storing or retrieving any data.
That city was Seattle, Washington.
The Normandy beach was littered with German land mines, barbed wire, heavy artillery batteries and machine-gun nests. There were also anti-tank walls, shelters constructed of thick concrete, anti-aircraft guns and many other types of defensive positions.
<span>D) increased long-distance trade and taxation of citizens
</span>Which activity is an economic characteristic of classical civilizations?
increased long-distance trade and taxation of citizens
</span>A) art representing what citizens decided was beautiful
<span>B) armies that were trained to protect the city </span>
<span>C) rule by a centralized government </span><span>
Answer: A. There's limited wealth in the world.
Mercantilism was based on the notion that there was limited wealth in the world so countries needed to accumulated as much of it as possible.
For this reason, countries imposed high customs duties on imports from other countries so that people would not buy them and send money to their countries. At the same time they tried to export more so that countries would give them more of the wealth in the world.