There is a cost of attending a college. The money and time that you spend on your education is an opportunity cost. You could the same amount of money and time for something else. What else could you do? What kind of lifestyle could you choose? What carrier would you have? All of these questions bear the concept of opportunity cost in this context.
Answer: A true interaction
Sally is able to recognize the interaction between caffeine and extraversion despite they don't solve problems but because they work together to predict problem solving.
informed consent
Informed consent is a legal term. It means that you are fully aware of the facts of a situation (in this case, a surgical procedure) before agreeing to it.
Informed concent have certain elements,
1. Why are you doing the procedure?
2. Other options available.
3. Potential complications
4. Consequences of not having the procedure
The fact that the individuals been used for a research without their concent is a big component of ethical concept of informed concent because ethically they are expected to know their fate.amd know what they are getting into, then it will be left of them to decide on going ahead.
The questions were more so comparing the two paintings so the level of cognitive thinking would be analyzing.
That is at a higher mental processes because she wants them to know the small details and describe theefforts, values and meaning.
Questioning skill is very essential to teacher if they really want to communicate and make their student understand what they are saying. In a classroom setting, the communication or the interaction between a teacher and students is a very essential classroom feature. The reason for asking questions is to amake the student understand and find the place they are lacking, to stimulate or recall and to know if the student really understand what you are saying.
Effective questioning techniques are importantl to learner involvement and are a key role played by helping students to engage thoughtfully and critically with more complex ideas