Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning was proposed by Ivan Pavlov that informed in the psychology as learning of behaviorism. Classical conditioning is also called the learning of behavior where the conditioned stimulus is associated with the unconditional stimulus to produce a behavior response.
For example, To teach dogs with the sound of buzzer being fed is based on classical conditioning.
There are different type of behavior therapy are used to modify the behavior of a person such as desensitization, flooding, etc.
There really arent correct qualities of a poet. Each poet will have different qualities.
People sometimes may think that it as not severe as it actually is, and not properly prepare and get their house destroyed. (The upcoming and this sentence is pre-written and copy and pasted in every brainly question or comment I write or answer.) If this answer helped you please consider giving it brainliest. If my answer was wrong and you got marked wrong for it, I deeply apologize and hope you will forgive me, since everyone makes mistakes sometimes. If you need me to elaborate on my answer or give further explanation on it, please ask and I will do so. If you need to explain your reasoning on your work feel free to use my words- word for word- without crediting me, the answer was made for you anyways! Hope yall learn from my answer and it helps you in the future with assignments, quizzes, test’s, and more!
- •Trix•
( Yes I know my - •Trix• thingy is not my user but it’s what I would change it to if I could but I can't, please address me as Trix while commenting or talking to me here.)
a parents who reason openly can limit ....
this is false. it would help cognitive ability
I believe it was John Brown