ez blame it on the jews, kill the jews
it's self-explanatory
While systemic reforms ultimately rely on government policies and action, individuals can play a role as well. Initiatives such as the Harvard Organization for Prison Education and Reform and the Petey Greene Program, for example, send trained volunteers to tutor incarcerated individuals with the dual goal of advocating for structural reforms to prison education. Volunteering to tutor students in prison who are working toward their GEDs will reap rewards for students, tutors, and society.
Limited Government: Fundamental notion of Constitution. National government has limited power with regulation over only those rules in Article I of the Constitution.
●Separation of Powers: Three branches of government. Meant to keep one branch from becoming too powerful.
In Griffin v. California, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination not only allows a criminal defendant to refuse to take the witness stand during his trial, but it also bars the prosecutor from urging the jury to interpret that silence as an indication that the defendant has something to hide. The Court reasons that the right against self-incrimination would be meaningless if a defendant’s exercise of the right could be used against him.
Hope this helps