1. The degredation of local economies and colonial deindustrialization
2. An unheaval of traditional life and religion
3. The fostering of nationalism in colonial societies
1. The destruction of the Bengal fabric industry by the East India Company
2. The presence of EIC missionaries in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Men like Padre Jennings directly influenced the Sepoy Mutiny by creating tensions in the local Hindu and Muslim populations of Delhi and Meerut.
3. The rise of the Indian National Congress, the Brahmo-Samaj in India, and the Vietminh in Vietnam.
One of the major cause was "East India Company" ended and British rule came into existence in India.
Hope this helps!
As the first Roman emperor to claim conversion to Christianity, Constantine played an influential role in the proclamation of the Edict of Milan in 313, which decreed tolerance for Christianity in the empire. He called the First Council of Nicaea in 325, at which the Nicene Creed was professed by Christians.
Prepare food, matainsacred fire and the weaving of garments for emperor and ritual use