B. Food shortages that led to starvation
There wasn´t a lot of food in the area and the river that was near them was very salty and unsafe to drink along with the mosquitos that lived in the mushy areas cared a certain disease with them.
It provided suffrage for Women.
The 19th amendment gave women suffrage or the right to vote
A free enterprise system is what the USA has, a capitalist country where you can have the freedom for a lot of things to take actions allowed, also allowed to work your for your self. Socialism takes away the freedom where the money and business are owned by the government, if you oppose the government and speak out, you can be punished for death in cerian places like Cuba, Vietnam, Slovakia, Laos, North Korea Russia etc...
After World War 2, the U.S. emerged as a world superpower and our economy was booming. Our nation was extremely rich, basically.
More opportunities for American Indians Right to self-government;
Recognition of treaty rights