<em>neutral stimulus; unconditioned stimulus</em>
<em><u>Neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus</u></em><em> are two different parts involved in the </em><em><u>classical conditioning theory </u></em><em>that was developed by </em><em><u>Ivan Pavlov </u></em><em>who was considered as one of the greatest psychologists and behaviorists of his times while conducting his experiment on dogs.</em>
<em><u>A neutral stimulus</u></em><em> is described as a stimulus that doesn't produce any particular response except focusing on attention. Once the neutral stimulus gets connected with an unconditioned stimulus gives rise to a conditioned stimulus. </em>
<em><u>An unconditioned stimulus</u></em><em> is described as a stimulus that is responsible for triggering a particular response automatically, unconditionally, and naturally.</em>
Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome
Discrimination is regularly practiced by insurance companies and it's quite necessary. Before going further, let's make an important distinction. Insurance companies must practice fair discrimination. Discrimination refers to making choices and the practice makes sense as long as the choices are not unfair.
Unfair Discrimination
Unfair discrimination takes place whenever a choice revolves around a distinction that is irrelevant to offering insurance coverage. An example of this is to deny coverage based upon an arbitrary difference such as race or religion.
Fair Discrimination
Insurers are constantly involved in discriminating. They continuously evaluate situations to see if they are in a position to offer insurance coverage. Companies note differences and make choices among their insurance applicants. This process is important because insurance programs are designed using justifiable distinctions regarding the type of persons, property and situations they wish to cover.
feeling felt in a hunted house
hope it was helpful to you
According to Freud, Jerrold pulled <span>the information into the conscious mind because he is still aware of his feelings and expressing them to a friend.</span>