Hazardous and solid wastes can be solid, liquid and gaseous form.
Hazardous wastes are wastes that are composed of harmful or toxic substances which is generated from industries, households, hospital e.t.c that are threat to humans and their environment.
Solid wastes are discharged or absconded materials such as refuse, sludge, gabbage, from water treatments, air pollution, household, industries e.t.c.
Diploid cells = 2n = 46
Haploid cells = n = 23
therefore, there are 23 chromosomes in haploid cells.
Points c and d would have spring tides.
Tests for gases
Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ammonia and chlorine can be identified using different tests.
Hydrogen. A lighted wooden splint makes a popping sound in a test tube of hydrogen.
Oxygen. A glowing wooden splint relights in a test tube of oxygen.
Brown dwarfs are objects which are too large to be called planets and too small to be stars. They have masses that range between twice the mass of Jupiter and the lower mass limit for nuclear reactions (0.08 times the mass of our sun). ... Brown dwarfs are very dim and cool compared with stars.