The two social classes of ancient Rome were made up of patricians and plebeians.
Patricians were the upper class of Ancient Rome. They claimed to be descendants of the families who founded Rome or who settled there shortly after it was founded. As a consequence of their antiquity in the Roman nation, as well as their status of being original from Rome and not from conquered or annexed peoples, the Patricians originally held most of the political and economic power in Ancient Rome. Thus, they practically controlled to their pleasure the decisions of the Senate, and they handled the appointments of the consuls and other positions of power. This was so until the outbreak of the Patrician-Plebeian War, which ended up granting equality to both social classes through Lex Hortensia in 287 BC.
For their part, the Plebeians were Roman citizens who had civil rights under Roman law, but who had no political power or strategic economic importance. Some of them owned land, inherited from their ancestors, but had no greater wealth than some businesses. They were the lowest free class in Ancient Rome, only above slaves and free non-citizens.
Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum is a Latin legal phrase, meaning "Let justice be done though the heavens fall." The maxim signifies the belief that justice must be realized regardless of consequences. According to the 19th-century abolitionist politician Charles Sumner, it does not come from any classical source.
Answer: These words were similar to comments that Hitler had previously made to foreign politicians in private meetings after the Kristallnacht pogrom in November 1938. The speech was made in the context of Nazi attempts to increase Jewish emigration from Germany, before the outbreak of World War II in September 1939.
The "Mandate of Heaven" is an ancient Chinese philosophical concept, which originated during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE). The Mandate determines whether an emperor of China is sufficiently virtuous to rule; if he does not fulfill his obligations as emperor, then he loses the Mandate and thus the right to be emperor.There are four principles to the Mandate:
1) Heaven grants the emperor the right to rule,
2) Since there is only one Heaven, there can only be one emperor at any given time,
3) The emperor's virtue determines his right to rule, and,
4) No one dynasty has a permanent right to rule.
Hope this helps!