The Eurasia culture (4000 and 3000 BC) is the first evidences of warfare on horseback.
Throughout the Ancient Near East, there was improved harness and chariot designs in 1600 BC. These were made made for chariot warfare.
An illustration of Sumerian shows that around 2500 BC there were some type of equine pulling wagons.
There were training manual written for war on horses which was a guide for training chariot horses written. This was earlier written about 1350 BC.
There was improved effectiveness of horses in battle which were due to improvements and inventions in technology. These included the invention of the saddle, the stirrup, and later, the horse collar.
to show what there people can do
Napoleon replaced existing Monarchs with members of his own family. His aim was to replace existing empire with one of his, which would have made him and his family rule wholly. Resistance to to French occupation and French puppet rulers was often based on nationalist sentiments, but it's doubtful whether it would have remained a popular cause with the masses after Napoleon's final defeat.