Simply an uncontrolled fire that is wiping out large fields and areas of land. It is typically fires that started out of a lightning strike, or people carelessly starting it
This definition above refers to the geographic isolation.
It means exactly what it says in the definition - one species is left behind from the rest of the population, and it stays in that particular location, evolving and changing from the species and population it was once a part of.
Similarities: They're all largely or primarily carbon compounds, and they're all produced by living things. Proteins and some carbohydrates have what's sometimes called "high information content" in that the imputed instructions for producing them are very particular.
Protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, specifically in the ribosomes. Proteins that are meant to be excreted, such as in the pancreas, are produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum which is a membrane studded with ribosomes. In organs that primarily function to produce and secrete proteins, there will be a larger rough endoplasmic reticulum with more ribosomes.