Throughout the three centuries following the discovery of America and the passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, there was a remarkable development of intercontinental trade, which led to intercontinental specialization and a global division of labor, the foundations of globalization.
While western Europe gained vital raw materials to speed its industrialization, found expanded markets for its industrial products, and developed high living standards, the peripherical countries were forced into primary production and low-income levels, supplying raw materials and labor in return for European products.
Machiavelli believes that <span>the princes can use and should use violence in order to survive or to achieve their aims as rulers, especially when there is a problem in the country ot connected with the country. In such situations the princes should keep the people in fear, so no one would want to attack them or take their power. Otherwise, by providing housing and women, he should keep the peace in the country, In this sense is contradictory how he advises the princes to be more liberal. </span>
The act of Supremacy came into place because the Pope was Clement VII refused to grant Henri VIII a annulment.
Plant tobaco is the answer
Don’t touch that link and it’s because of their belief and the strong connection they have to god and the time they put into it.