Following are the statement which is given below:
if (gpa > 3.5) // check the condition if gpa exceeds 3.5.
deansList++; // increment of 1 in the deansList variable
cout << studentName; // display the studentName,
The description of the statement
- In the if statement we check the condition of "gpa" .if "gpa" is greater then 3.5 then it executed the statement inside the if block otherwise nothing will be executed.
- if control moves to the if part it adds to 1 to the deansList.
- Finally, display the value of studentName.
Try using at least one capital letter and multiple number and symbols
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Answer and Explanation:
Var firstNumber=prompt("please enter first number");
Var secondNumber=prompt("please enter second number");
Var thirdNumber=prompt("please enter third number");
Var numberTotal=firstNumber+secondNumber+thirdNumber;
Function calculateNumbers(){
return numberTotal;
return int(numberTotal/3);
return firstNumber*secondNumber*thirdNumber;}