Because the manufacturer is also the entity selling the good or service, prices tend to be lower in a direct distribution channel. Indirect channels, on the other hand, generally see higher prices because of the number of intermediaries involved. The more there are, the higher the price.
debit to Sales allowance of $50
When some defect in a product is revealed or notified by the buyer, the seller usually grants the customer an allowance which is termed as sales allowance.
It is usually allowed when the customer agrees to keep the product instead of returning the defective product which would constitute sales returns.
Following journal entry is recorded for recording sales allowance
Sales Allowance A/C Dr. $ 50
To Accounts Receivable $50
(Being allowance for defects recorded)
Sales allowance is deducted from gross sales before the customer makes payment.
Manufacturing and Merchandising businesses
The type of Business needed to make the product is known as MANUFACTURING business. This business buys raw materials and refined them into products that later sell in bulk to wholesalers.
On the other hand, Merchandising business is a form of business that involves buying refined products at wholesale price and then sell to the final consumers.
Hence, in this case, then Greece answer is MANUFACTURING and MERCHANDIZING Business.
The reason is that the Pauline's parents are performing parental orders which includes the imposition of conditions. These imposed conditions and rules for the children are for their benefit and will help them in forming habits and protect themselves from the world evil beings. All the habits structuring of Pauline which her parent desire are of immense importance for her future life. Neither of the condition or rule mentioned in the case are unethical and are what a proactive person possesses and are also desirable. This shows that the parents are working hard with their children to let them have a good set of habits and reflects good parenting. Though initiallt it seems that the liberty of Pauline is diminished but will ensure its future safety and liberty in the long run. People have choice to drink wine but this doesn't mean that the childrem must also taste them. This is because its not good for health and that the lack of good parenting will affect them most.