Lil boat hahahahahahhahaha
Let's go through these, sentence by sentence:
a. <em>Henry is driving at a constant speed.</em>
If the y-axis represents the speed of Henry's car, this portion of the graph should be a straight horizontal line, as his speed doesn't change at all. This already eliminates the first and second options.
<em>He then slows down to pass an accident. After passing it, he goes back to his original speed and continues driving at that speed</em>.
We should see a downward-sloped line segment during the period when he slows down, and then an upward-sloped line segment during the time where he speeds up. Graphically, this would look like a V. Finally, the graph would again become a straight horizontal line as he returned to and maintained his original speed. Graph #4 is the only one which represents this description.
b. <em>Teresa is driving to work. She drives at a constant speed for several miles, then stops to pick up breakfast</em>.
On all of the graphs of this situation, the y-axis represents Teresa's <em>distance to work</em>. We have to be careful here, because the further she drives, <em>the further down the graph goes</em>. The y-coordinate starts at some positive fixed position (the total distance to work) and works its way down to 0.
There's only one graph which represents this scenario - a downwards trend - and that's graph #3.