Atypical pneumonia
This is the type of pneumonia caused by uncommon microorganisms types and it’s usually very rare. This type of pneumonia has milder symptoms and can be caused by bacteria, fungi, Protozoa and virus.
It is also known as Walking pneumonia. It is very difficult to culture and can’t be easily detected.
a) Maxillopoda is a diverse class of crustaceans including barnacles, copepods and a number of related animals. It does not appear to be a monophyletic group, and no single character unites all the members
b) General Characters of Hexapoda (Insects)
Ø A large taxa, includes insects and a small group of wingless arthropods.
Ø Body plan: 3 parts, head, thorax and abdomen.
Ø Head with six segments.
Ø Thorax with three pairs of jointed legs (hence the name hexapoda)
Ø Head bears a presegmental acron.
Ø Acron bears compound eyes.
This would affect the population of the rabbits isf this happens the increase of population on the rabbits then if theres an increase on the rabiits then there will be a limiting factor of food for them this will affect the carraying capacity of the ecosystem
The carbon cycle, as the nitrogen cycle, occurs in all the spheres: Biosphere, Atmosphere, Geosphere and Hydrosphere.
Most Earth events involve interaction between multiple spheres. For example, rain is the movement of water (the hydrosphere) from the atmosphere to the lithosphere where it collects in lakes, rivers, or streams. Water is an important resource for inhabitants of the biosphere.
The Atmosphere-contains all the air in Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. This sphere is also where weather occurs.
The nitrogen cycle occurs in all the spheres and ecosystems. It passes through rocks, water, atmosphere, plants, etc.
In atmosphere and biosphere: Nitrogen is about 78% of the gases in the atmosphere an it’s a essential component of the living organisms. It enters plants through the microorganisms that convert this nitrogen into ammonia. After this conversion, the plants absorb this substance. It can pass to animals when they eat these plants. Then, when they urinate, bacteria convert ammonia to nitrogen again and it returns to the atmosphere.