Para poder ejercer la ciudadanía global con menos limitaciones, propondría a los líderes globales dos medidas fundamentales:
-por un lado, les recomendaría la creación de un área de libre comercio global, al estilo de la Unión Europea, con eliminación permanente de aranceles de todo tipo. Así, los bienes de consumo se convertirían en accesibles a toda la población, reduciéndose la pobreza y aumentándose la productividad y el rendimiento de los mercados, que podrían vender más a un menor precio, llegando al punto de eficiencia de mercado.
-por otro lado, les recomendaría flexibilizar las políticas migratorias y de movimiento de personas, para que estas sean quienes decidan en qué país y bajo que condiciones vivir. Así, cada país debería llevar a cabo una serie de medidas destinadas a fomentar la migración o la permanencia en su territorio, a través de políticas fiscales e impositivas favorables a sus ciudadanos, lo que redundaría en una mejor calidad de vida para estos.
Answer: Interest group provides a much needed information gathering service for politicians. They don't have too much power.
Explanation: interest group are group of people who come together with one major interest to seek from the government. Examples of this group are the U.S chamber of commerce.
This group helps the politician to get information of the people's need and know how to approach the people. The politician look into the interest of all it's interest group and their try to campaign with the solution of those interest, so that they will be the choice of the people.
Interest groups does not have too much power, because they are still under the law, and under the decision of the president. though they interest affect the decision of the president most times.
They're both used as fuels
Oil is a fossil fuel, while wood is a renewable fuel.
Oil comes from the ground via remains of plants and animals, while lumber comes from trees.
As of recent years oil has been a lot more desirable
Lumber is much quicker to get ahold of
Answer: True
Explanation: Research studies are diverse in nature and as such conducting a research study involves adopting the best setting, method or environment which would have the least external effect on our analysis. Some research studies may involve studying subjects in their natural habitat or environment, such research studies may include studies on behavioral patterns, reasoning and son on. While some research studies involves adopting a controlled setting whereby the researcher moderates the exposure of participants to certain degree of adjustment. Laboratory experiment are particularly important in the biological and health research whereby exposure levels are controlled and carefully monitored, and administered treatment under certain conditions such as temperature must also be monitored. Laboratory research of this sort may be very difficult to replicate in actual negotiation.
In response to the fugitive Slaves Act, northern states passed personal liberty acts, forbidding the imprisonment of runaway slaves and guaranteeing them jury trials
hope this helps