The correct answer is B. Maintenance of control over unused checks.
Risk of material misstatement is the risk that the financial statements contain material misstatements prior to the performance of the audit. The risk comprises two components, described as follows, in the statements:
Inherent risk - Susceptibility of a statement about a type of transaction, accounting balance or other disclosure of information to a misstatement that could be material, either individually or in aggregate with other inaccuracies, before taking into account the possible corresponding controls.
Control risk - Risk that an error that could exist in a statement about a type of transaction, accounting balance or other information relief, and that could be material either individually or in aggregate with other inaccuracies, is not prevented, or detected and corrected in a timely manner, by the entity's internal control system.
a. $24,000
60,000 fixed cost which, are allocated in the base of expected copies:
total expected copies: 600,000 + 400,000 = 1,000,000
Copy Center 2 represent 400,000 / 1,000,000 = 40% of the total copies volume for the period
Therefore from the 60,000 fixed cost the 40% was applied.
60,000 x 40 % = 24,000
The term professional communication refers to the various forms of speaking, listening, writing, and responding carried out both in and beyond the workplace, whether in person or electronically.
Answer:D. Does not constitute an acceptance of the offer.
Explanation:A Contract is a binding agreement between two persons with sound mind, contract agreements are contestable in the Courts,but for it to be acceptable as an evidence in the court of law certain prescribed conditions must be met.
Their was no agreement between Katrina and the company candy company, because her consent was not sort by the Company,the company should have sort her consent and if possible get her to sign certain agreement that will prevent Indiscriminate violation of the terms of agreement.
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