30 percent
Protein is essential in living organisms. They are the building blocks of life and help in the replacement and repair of work out tissues of the body. There are various sources of protein which are plant sources and animal sources.
Animal sources include land and aquatic animals.Sea Finfish, ocean catches, and fish-farming provide approximately 30
percent of animal protein sources consumed by humans in the world.
Surface water <---> river
Ground water <------> well
Water vapour <------> atmosphere
Glacier <-------> ice
Temperature is an essential aspect in any experiment as it can affect the various variables of the experiment. It can affect the result and outcomes of an experiment as per the interaction various molecules shows with the temperature.
In molecular biology related experiments that deals with the protein related experiments are also effected by the temperature as enzymatic reactions are slow on low temperature and proteins are also act like enzymes. On high temperature protein may lead to increase in collisions of the molecules of protein and fasten the enzymatic reaction and may lead to degrade the protein.