1. B
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
1. To check the integrity of your hard disk and fix various file system errors, the Windows utility which should be implemented is Check disk (Chkdsk). This utility is always used with the command line interface (CLI) with the command "chkdsk."
2. An event or action took place and it caused damage to data, hardware, software and processing capability of the computer. From the statement given, security risks are being described. Any event or action that is capable of causing a problem to a computer system is considered to be a security risk and should be prevented through the use of an appropriate utility software.
3. Virus is a software program that can infect, damage and disrupts the whole computer system.
4. To protect the whole computer system, the software utility which is needed is an Anti-virus.
5. To avoid losing valuable data to your computer, the most important thing to do is to regularly back-up your files.
Answer: the term is known as Align Justified
In typesetting and page layout, alignment or range is the setting of text flow or image placement relative to a page, column, table cell, or tab. The type alignment setting is sometimes referred to as text alignment, text justification, or type justification.
Option A: print("The total is %0.5f" % total)
To ensure the value is rounded to a precision of 5 digits, we have to create a formatted string which is %0.5f. The <em>.5</em> denotes five decimal places and <em>f </em>refers to float data type.
Next, we use the <em>%</em> operator again and followed with the variable <em>total</em>. The % is used as a string modulo operator that will interpolate the value held by the the variable <em>total </em>in the formatted string that we create previously. The interpolated value will be rounded to 5 decimal places. For example, if
total = 256.786789
The output will be 256.78679
Link-local address
IP addresses that have "FE80" as the hexadecimal representation of their first 10 bits are IPV6 reserved addresses for link-local unicast addressing. These addresses are automatically configured (though may be manually configured too) on any interface and should not be routed. They are used for addressing on a single link with the main aim, among others, of automatic configuration and routing protocol advertisement. Devices attached to this link can be accessed or reached using the link-local addresses as they don't need a global address to communicate.
However, routers will not forward datagram or packets using link-local addresses. In other words, routers are not allowed to connect to the internet using the unicast link-local addresses.