TB. It is open to change.he thing about science is that a discovery may be made today and written up but by tomorrow something else is found that edifies what was found or proves it incorrect or make it obsolete. .Therefore the answer is <span>B. It is open to change</span>
Meat and meat products (beef, chicken, lamb, pork or kangaroo)
Fish and seafood.
Dairy food such as milk and yogurt (also carbohydrate)
Beans and pulses (also carbohydrates)
Nuts (also fats)
Soy and tofu products.
Both Cohesion and adhesion play an important role in the upward movement of water through a plant.
Water is absorbed by the roots and transported by xylem tissue to various parts of a plant body such as stem ,leaf .
During the transportation of water molecules through the xylem tissue formation of hydrogen bond occur between the water molecules. A single hydrogen bond is weak but collectively they exert a very strong interaction.As a result a water column is established in the xylem tissue. This is called cohesion.
Adhesion deals with the interaction of water column with the wall of the xylem tissue.
.dont taste or sniff chemical
Tasting and smelling some chemicals can be dangerous and even deadly.the best way to know what is in a container is to label
. Don't play mad scientists
This result in mixing chemcals to see what happens the result could be explosion ,fires,or releasing toxic chemicals
.Dress for the lab
This is a safety rule because clothing is one of your best form of protection against an accident wear covered shoes,long pants,and keep your hair tied so it cant fall into your experiment