To change the background color, select the form in Visual Studio and locate the BackColor property in the Properties panel. There are a number of ways to specify a color. Color by name - Simply type in a color name into the BackColor value field (for example Red, Yellow, Cyan etc).
An embedded system is a part of a larger system which has either one or a limited number of dedicated functions.
It doesn't require much power to run and is cheap to make and design.
Examples include: cars, microwaves, traffic lights, washing machines, phones etc
Show us a picture so we can answer
If you want your heading to pop out I would go for bold Becuase it shows the letters darker and bigger which would make the heading the center of attention.
The complete program is to define a boolean method that returns true if all elements of an array are negative, or return false, if otherwise
The method in java, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:
//This defines the method
public static boolean chkNegative (double[] myArr) {
//This initializes a boolean variable
boolean isNeg = true;
//This iterates through the array
for (int i = 0; i < myArr.length; i++) {
//If the array element is 0 or positive
if (myArr[i] >= 0) {
//Then the boolean variable is set to false
isNeg = false;
//And the loop is exited
//This returns true or false
return isNeg;
Read more about boolean methods at: