My computer has been has been through some things but it survived every one of them! thsi is what makes me love my computer,it survives, it tough!
It kinda resembles me,another reason i love it. If I went a week without my computer, i would kinda go crazy! I would worry about all the things that probabaly dint save! I would miss it! I would think that all my progress withered away and i could NOT do anything about it. I would go BORED out of my mind because i dint like reading books that much! and even when i did read i would read all my books in a day or two! these are reasons why i love and how i would not make it if i went a week without my computer.
You are usually editing a word document when you are finished typing up and assignment or what not, then highlighting what you want to edit will tell the computer/word document what and where your making your edits.