Yes the above sentence is very true as healthy relationship leads to healthy mental life which ultimately makes an individual happy.
The healthy relationship consists of many factors like trust , mutual respect , communication , honesty , understanding , individuality , compromise - these are the underrated issues in ones life leads to unhealthy relationship, which consist of control, dishonesty , superiority complex , disrespect , intimidation . so it is important to know , develop and maintain the value of the respect and characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationship to our closed ones.
To learn more about healthy relationship :
Hope this helps :D
A sedentary lifestyle means you don't move anywhere. Similar to coral or sponges.
The number of bones a person has in their body generally depends on their age. A human newborn baby has approximately 270 bones in his or her body. As the person ages and develops, some of the bones fuse together to make larger bones. By the time a person is an adult, they have the standard 206 bones in their body.