Overestimate; Base is the correct answer.
The south eastern part of united states has a typically warm climate along with high quality soil.This is perfect for plants to conduct photosynthesis and finding out necessary nutrients from the ground. Because of this, it is really easy to produce farming products in this region (such as corn, wheat, Fruits, Potatoes, Sugar, Rice, etc.
Hellenistic Period (336-146 BC) - period between the conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great and the establishment of Roman supremacy, in which Greek culture and learning were pre-eminent in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. It is called Hellenistic (Greek, Hellas, "Greece") to distinguish it from the Hellenic culture of classical Greece.
Classroom training/instruction
Classroom training is a widely used system of training that aim to present information to multiple persons at the same time. It is one of the least expensive means of information dissemination and allows for a great deal of interaction between the group. It sometimes include hands-on-practice and ensures that the same topic or course is taught to all individuals.