Lineal descent from an ancestor
Why do Americans feel proud to be American because it is most powerful country in the world as Nepali feel proud of Mount Everest because it is the tallest mountain in the world and it is situated in Nepal. ... Mt. Everest is in Nepal and we all people can see it , climb it and visit it.
It came in the spring of 1871, at the trial of three blacks charged with inciting arson in the town. Almost everyone came to the courtroom well armed, as Mississippians had been doing for years. This time shots rang out, killing the white Republican judge and several black spectators. The crowd surged forward, chasing down one defendant, whose body they riddled with bullets, and hurling another from the roof. ("When this failed to kill him," a witness reported, "his throat was cut.") For the next three days, local Klansmen rampaged through Meridian, murdering "all the leading colored men of the town with one or two exceptions." Despite frantic pleas for help, federal troops in Mississippi did not arrive in time. When the slaughter finally ended, more than twenty-five blacks were dead. So, too, was Republican rule in this hill country town.(42)
B. Factor analysis
Factor analysis: In statistics, the term factor analysis is defined as one of the statistical methods that are being used or utilized to explain the variability between discerned, correlated variables concerning the unobserved variables which are lower in numbers known as factors.
1. Exploratory factor analysis or EFA.
2. Confirmatory factor analysis or CFA.
Factor analysis aims at uncovering the underlying factors which is responsible for explaining the correlations between different outcomes and different variables should be somehow correlated.