The answer is:
10% fixed rate = Company X's external borrowing (rate);
11.8% fixed rate = Company Y's payment to X (rate);
LIBOR + 1.5% = Company X's payment to Y (rate);
LIBOR + 1.5% = Company Y's external borrowing rate.
First, X will borrow at 10% fixed and Y will borrow at LIBOR + 1.5% floating; both at notational principal of $10 million.
Then; they will enter into a interest swap where:
- X will pay to the swap the interest rate of Libor +1.5% and receive from the swap the fixed interest rate of 11.8%. Thus, X interest income and interest expenses will be: Borrowed at fixed 10% and payment at Libor+1.5% to the swap; Receipt of 11.8% from the Swap=> Net effect: X borrowed at LIBOR - 0.3% ( saving of 0.3%).
- Y will pay to the swap the fixed interest rate 11.8% and receive from the swap LIBOR +1.5%. Thus, Y interest income and interest expenses will be: Borrowed at LIBOR +1.5 and payment 11.8% fixed to the swap; Receipt of Libor + 1.5% from Bthe Swap=> Net effect: Y borrowed at 11.8% fixed ( saving of 0.2%).
Answer: mental models.
Explanation: A mental model is an explanation of someone's thought process about how something works in the real world and learning a new mental model gives you a new way to see the world. Furthermore, It’s represent the surrounding world, the relationships between its several parts and an individual intuitive perception about his or her own acts and their consequences.
- Food service managers are facing a larger percent decrease at 3.31%
The percentage decrease in chefs/head cooks is:
= (100,600 - 99,800) / 100,600
= 0.795%
= 0.8%
Percentage decrease for food service managers is:
= (320,600 - 310,000) / 320,600
= 3.31%
b. The wants and needs of individual customers can be more directly targeted
Mass marketing by definition "is the advertising or promotion of a product, good or service to a wide variety of audiences with the expectation of appealing to as many as possible". If we analyze one by one the options we have this:
a. A large pool of potential customers exists.
Thats one of the alternatives in order to use mass marketing in order to indentify potential customers.
b. The wants and needs of individual customers can be more directly targeted.
This one is NOT a method or a way to apply the mass marketing since that's a technique to classify the info from subjects.
c. Scale economies, if achieved, can generate the ability to charge low prices while still remaining profitable.
Thats one alternative that can be applied if we use mass marketing
d. Firms can still differentiate their brands from the competition through creative promotions.
That's one alternative since we can see and create potential customers with this alternative.
e. Scale economies (economies of scale) can potentially be obtained.
For this case is one of the options in order to apply mass marketing since "Economies of scale are cost advantages reaped by companies when production becomes efficient".
i dont understand that